Mattison to be released

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Mattison to be released

Post by 40for60 »

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Re: Mattison to be released

Post by Maelstrom88 »

This is a good move. He was better as a back up. He fumbled too much last year for my liking.

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Re: Mattison to be released

Post by Angels Wings »

Not torn up about this at all. There are some good options that will be available in free agency or in the draft
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Re: Mattison to be released

Post by VikingLord »

Production came nowhere near matching his cap hit so it made sense to release him, and even more sense given the relative production of some of the up-and-coming guys behind him on the roster. Liked him as a person for sure but KAM made the right call releasing him. Those dollars can now be allocated towards keeping other players the Vikings need to keep.
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