Cris Carter’s wife headbutted another woman during a tennis

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Re: Cris Carter’s wife headbutted another woman during a ten

Post by Funkytown »

Jeffbleedspurple wrote: Is anyone really surprised the wife of Cris Carter headbutted another woman? I know I’m not.
Yeah, um, it sounds like the wife was the one who was head-butted, not the other way around. Sounds like she possibly threw the first punch, but was that before or after the alleged "hit me" and head-butt? Either way, I've read nothing that says his wife head-butted anyone. Not sure where you are getting that, not even out of this copied and pasted piece, well, aside from the headline that doesn't even match up with the story. It implies CC's wife as more of the victim, at least at first, and then they had a little scuffle. Other sites suggest the same.
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Re: Cris Carter’s wife headbutted another woman during a ten

Post by S197 »

Tempers are going to flare especially when you're talking about the prestigious Seasons of Boca Raton community center trophy.