I am so sick of rodgers

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I am so sick of rodgers

Post by Boon »

just imagine I just typed out a 5000 word jumble of expletives to describe how I feel about this individual and the absolute joy I will feel the day he #### retires. Like I'm not even kidding, the day this dude retires from the NFL I'm throwing a party . I have only seen highlights the past 3 years or so, or follow the game casts or radio broadcasts when he's playing, I refuse to watch him play anymore. Just go away already
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Re: I am so sick of rodgers

Post by RandyMoss84 »

Boon wrote: Tue Dec 29, 2020 1:53 am just imagine I just typed out a 5000 word jumble of expletives to describe how I feel about this individual and the absolute joy I will feel the day he #### retires. Like I'm not even kidding, the day this dude retires from the NFL I'm throwing a party . I have only seen highlights the past 3 years or so, or follow the game casts or radio broadcasts when he's playing, I refuse to watch him play anymore. Just go away already
So if he got drafted by the Vikings, are you going to be so sick of Rodgers? You will watch if Vikings are playing against Rodgers :roll:
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Re: I am so sick of rodgers

Post by Foreman44 »

Who would have fore seen Brett Favre as a Viking. How many hated Favre at G.B. How many would have excepted him ever becoming a Viking. Yet he did, and Viking fans excepted Favre.

No one sees Rogers as a Viking. But what if it happened. Could you find in your heart to love him as our QB.

It’s not happening. But could you love him as a Viking? If not. What if he won us a S.B
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Re: I am so sick of rodgers

Post by Foreman44 »

Rodgers got covid. Said he was vaccinated, lied wasn’t.

I guess the pukers will get a idea of how there future QBs will look like against a supposedly good team
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Re: I am so sick of rodgers

Post by J. Kapp 11 »

Foreman44 wrote: Wed Nov 03, 2021 6:07 pm Rodgers got covid. Said he was vaccinated, lied wasn’t.

I guess the pukers will get a idea of how there future QBs will look like against a supposedly good team
Actually, he did something worse. He said he was “immunized,” leading people to believe he was vaccinated when he actually wasn’t (he got some homeopathic treatment). He then said he wouldn’t judge teammates who weren’t vaccinated, further advancing the ruse. He’s failed to follow league protocols ever since training camp, unnecessarily putting his teammates, coaches and office personnel at risk. He was caught on video at a crowded Halloween party. Worse yet, he’ll continue to get paid, even though his team likely faces a fairly stiff fine. He flaunts the rules, then uses clever phrasing to make people think he’s innocent.

I’m not sure there has ever been a more self-centered person in the history of the league. He’s a passive-aggressive, lying, two-faced SOB.

So for my money, if he came to the Vikings, I would stop following the team until he was no longer a Viking. I rooted for Favre. I’ll never root for Rodgers — except maybe rooting for somebody to go full Anthony Barr on his a$$.
Go ahead. I dare you.
Underestimate this man.
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Re: I am so sick of rodgers

Post by YikesVikes »

J. Kapp 11 wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 7:21 am
Foreman44 wrote: Wed Nov 03, 2021 6:07 pm Rodgers got covid. Said he was vaccinated, lied wasn’t.

I guess the pukers will get a idea of how there future QBs will look like against a supposedly good team
Actually, he did something worse. He said he was “immunized,” leading people to believe he was vaccinated when he actually wasn’t (he got some homeopathic treatment). He then said he wouldn’t judge teammates who weren’t vaccinated, further advancing the ruse. He’s failed to follow league protocols ever since training camp, unnecessarily putting his teammates, coaches and office personnel at risk. He was caught on video at a crowded Halloween party. Worse yet, he’ll continue to get paid, even though his team likely faces a fairly stiff fine. He flaunts the rules, then uses clever phrasing to make people think he’s innocent.

I’m not sure there has ever been a more self-centered person in the history of the league. He’s a passive-aggressive, lying, two-faced SOB.

So for my money, if he came to the Vikings, I would stop following the team until he was no longer a Viking. I rooted for Favre. I’ll never root for Rodgers — except maybe rooting for somebody to go full Anthony Barr on his a$$.
The leagues response to this is absolutely insane.
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Re: I am so sick of rodgers

Post by Foreman44 »

Knapp. Again I agree.

He irks the heck out of me with what looks like a cocky-smile. Or Just-his peeved off look when teed off.

Gives me the aura he is privileged.. .

The world evolves around around Rodgers.

My wife is a packer fan and fed up with ridgers
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Re: I am so sick of rodgers

Post by Herschel's Revenge »

Almost believed this, especially the part about Cousins and Biden. Because It totally makes sense

U.S. Government Grants Aaron Rodgers Conscientious Objector Status in War on Covid, Clearing Him for Seahawks Game

U.S. President Joe Biden said today that the Department of Health and Human Services would allow Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers special dispensation to return to his NFL job after the department agreed with Rodgers’ claim that he was a Conscientious Objector in the war against the most pernicious disease the world has ever seen up until this time and so could sit on the sidelines during this once-in-a-lifetime fight while also allowing him to partake in a much larger battlefield conflict this weekend...

https://breakinginasia.com/2021/11/08/u ... awks-game/
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Re: I am so sick of rodgers

Post by copperT2 »

jeez...NFL chief medical officer pushes back on Aaron Rodgers' claim that some COVID-19 protocols are 'not based in science'. not my QB!
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Re: I am so sick of rodgers

Post by Rhodes Closed »

I don't begrudge any person or wish any harm on anybody.

But if Rodgers were to get sick and be forced into retirement, or worse, die, I don't think I'd feel any sort of pity.
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Re: I am so sick of rodgers

Post by Thaumaturgist »

Rhodes Closed wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:52 am I don't begrudge any person or wish any harm on anybody.

But if Rodgers were to get sick and be forced into retirement, or worse, die, I don't think I'd feel any sort of pity.
I don't want to see the guy die, but if he were to fail professionally, and live the rest of his life as a "normal" person, I wouldn't complain.