The way it would work is we can each focus on a particular position and use game film from of a small handful of prospects and take notes and come up with a rating at that position.
each person to a positional group. If we get extras, we can have multiple scouts for certain positions and possibly a few people to try to determine the master draft board... If we have a shortage people can take multiple areas.
Even if all we come up with is a ranking by position or a couple detailed notes about a number of players that's be cool. And even if these rankings don't mean much... It will be a fun way to pass the time and get to know about players through the eyes of a fan.
First come first serve I think will be best but if you have some kind of expertise from playing high school ball or fantasy football or whatever you can sign up
I'm in. Who else is in?
GM - dead_poet
OL - dead_poet
WRs - mothman
DL - HardcoreVikesFan
LBs - Jackal
Secondary (mostly safeties)-mike2mike
Secondary2 (mostly CBs) -
Special teams
Other possible positions?:
Lead scout? (Role is to work with GM and also resolve desputes between scouts, understand needs of team's schemes and condense/organize data. The lead scout communicates with GM and scouts to get them on the same page)
GM/Assistant GM? (Work with lead scout to create the final draft board rankings relevant to the team. If GM needs some letter grade or categorical grades, or a score 1-100 to make decisions on how to enter mine if the top LBer is worth a higher draft spot than the top OL, he tells the lead scout and the lead scout communicates with the positional scouts.)
Insert role here
Let me know and I'll edit this post until we are full.
If no one is interested... I'll just let this thread die and be sad.