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Re: Assistant Coaches:

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:05 pm
by mmvikes
Maybe we should have kept Bevell. He just coached a Super Bowl winning offense

Re: Assistant Coaches:

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:28 pm
by CalVike
[quote="mmvikes"]Maybe we should have kept Bevell. He just coached a Super Bowl winning offense[/quote]

He's come a long way from the day his boss ordered him to lie about the absence of four star players from a training camp practice while on a plane to Mississippi. Good for him.

Re: Assistant Coaches:

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:29 pm
by Rus
PurpleScout wrote:This thread is to discuss the Assistant Coaches as they are named and our thoughts.

Offensive Cord.-Norv Turner (Not Official) This will bring our Offense into the 21st century
Def Cord.-George Edwards-Zimmer Clone
QB Coach-Scott Turner (Not Official)-Already knows more than previous QB coach just from his Dad
OL Coach-Jeff Davidson (Not Official)-Smart Move. Davidson is an up and coming coach
ST Coach-Bobby April (Not Official) Time to walk away from the whole Kluwe deal whether Phifer is in the wrong or not. April gets the most from his ST guys
Pretty solid lineup, I'd say. It's the kind of group that free agents will have to take seriously...something I can't even remember ever seeing for the Vikes as long as I've been a fan.

I think a lot of Viking fans give Priefer way too much credit for the work he's done, too. It's not even a matter of walking away from a situation, if Priefer doesn't immediately click with the rest of the staff then it would have been better to bring someone in who did anyway. Even well before all the Kluwe stuff came out I wasn't entirely sure if he was just benefiting from a period where the Vikings had some outstanding athletes that the team felt more comfortable giving special teams reps rather than starting. And building through the draft means a lot of talented young guys cutting their teeth on special teams. I really didn't think he was a coach that was doing more with less, especially considering the organization drafted both a kicker and a punter for him.

Re: Assistant Coaches:

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:29 am
by PurpleHalo
So the whole staff is not announced yet? I have been out of the loop the last 10 days or so.