Peterson plea deal...

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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by fiestavike »

There are a lot of things I have come to detest about the NFL, and the way they have handled this just might be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me. I realize that the NFL is a juggernaut that is going to roll on regardless of 1 or even 1,000 men's opinions/viewership, but I am considering abandoning the NFL and moving on to other interests that are ultimately a better use of my time anyway.

My one hope is that the Vikings take a stand for Peterson here and give me SOMEBODY I can actually be glad to support in this situation, but given how fast they caved after briefly doing the right thing when this story first broke (did they even make it 24 hours before caving?), I don't expect anything but more cowardice from them too.
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by COViking »

This is crazy to me to think that Godell is going this far to prove a point. It is so rediculous to me that he let's the loudest part of the crowd make the decisions. Who would run a company that is so pushed by the emotion of a minority of fans.
I saw two polls recently, on from the star and one from Dan Patrick and both had well over 50 percent that thought he should be playing again.

While yes AP went way to far it is not like he invented the whoopin'. People love to get all up in arms about things that have been happening forever. When is an NFL player going to get suspended for going to a bull fight in Spain because PETA got mad I mean Heaven forbid people get mad about things that isn't shoved in their face by the media. Everyone wants to take the tall stand against things they see on TV, maybe they should actually look what's happening around them and make their community better and not worry about what's happening in Texas (unless yes that is your community).

They took a sport that was made for the blue collar man to come and enjoy and turned it into a thing that a lot of people working blue collar jobs can't afford to go see anymore and they wonder where the disconnect is between the fans and the players. These players are raised very different than many people at the games and because of that obviously have a different way of doing things.

I am so sick of people expecting NFL players to be held to a higher standard. They shouldn't be social role models for anyone's childen. Yes while every little kid wants to "be like AP" when they grow up, I think that they want to play football and be the best. How many 5 year olds read the news and understand what is happening.

Long vent for me and while I believe AP went to far with his "whoopin" I think everyone that has been raised can think of at least one time where their parent maybe took it a little to far. Are you scarred of life for it no, but in my case I can tell you I will never swear at my Grandmother again.
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by Laserman »

the Vikings should just cut AD and wash their hands of this mess. He's a RB, he's old. You can't build your team on a franchise RB over 30 years old
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by frosted »

Sigh. On to Green Bay.

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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by Mothman »

dead_poet wrote:
At least a 15 game penalty...

Wow, what a hot, steaming mess. So Roger Goodell's response to Adrian Peterson abusing his authority as a parent and excessively disciplining his child is to abuse his authority as Commissioner and excessively discipline Peterson? That seems flawed to me.

The league 's behavior in all of this sure seems shady and manipulative to me. Perhaps that's not the best description for it but it looks to me like they delayed a decision on removing Peterson from the exemption list until there were only 6 games remaining, set up a meeting late last week under circumstances the NFLPA would likely find objectionable and then, when Peterson and the union unsurprisingly declined to attend, the league leaked that information to Adam Schefter over the weekend to cast Peterson in an uncooperative light and "soften" the blow of today's heavy-handed decision.
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by Mothman »

Here's a link to the official statement from the NFL, which includes extensive quotes from Goodell's letter to Peterson: ... 14-season/
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by Noxage »

fiestavike wrote:There are a lot of things I have come to detest about the NFL, and the way they have handled this just might be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me. I realize that the NFL is a juggernaut that is going to roll on regardless of 1 or even 1,000 men's opinions/viewership, but I am considering abandoning the NFL and moving on to other interests that are ultimately a better use of my time anyway.

My one hope is that the Vikings take a stand for Peterson here and give me SOMEBODY I can actually be glad to support in this situation, but given how fast they caved after briefly doing the right thing when this story first broke (did they even make it 24 hours before caving?), I don't expect anything but more cowardice from them too.
This exactly.

I'm so sick of that idiot at the top making crap up as he goes along. It's a complete freaking joke.

Like you, I think I should follow through on a personal challenge to find something better to do with my time that deal with stuff like this.
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by Noxage »

Mothman wrote: The league 's behavior in all of this sure seems shady and manipulative to me. Perhaps that's not the best description for it but it looks to me like they delayed a decision on removing Peterson from the exemption list until there were only 6 games remaining, set up a meeting late last week under circumstances the NFLPA would likely find objectionable and then, when Peterson and the union unsurprisingly declined to attend, the league leaked that information to Adam Schefter over the weekend to cast Peterson in an uncooperative light and "soften" the blow of today's heavy-handed decision.
I think your take is spot on. Shady doesn't even begin to describe all of this.

I hope Goodell is caught in a lie in the Ray Rice fiasco and gets thrown in jail. How can someone so awful at their job make $40M? This is not how capitalism works.
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by TSonn »

Mothman wrote: The league 's behavior in all of this sure seems shady and manipulative to me. Perhaps that's not the best description for it but it looks to me like they delayed a decision on removing Peterson from the exemption list until there were only 6 games remaining, set up a meeting late last week under circumstances the NFLPA would likely find objectionable and then, when Peterson and the union unsurprisingly declined to attend, the league leaked that information to Adam Schefter over the weekend to cast Peterson in an uncooperative light and "soften" the blow of today's heavy-handed decision.
Looking back at the whole thing (with somewhat skeptical lenses), it seems that this was the clear plan by the NFL. I bet they were freaking out about what to do when AD reached a plea deal with 7 games left on the schedule which is what lead them to breach their original contract with AD.

It would seem to me that if there was ever a chance for an appeal to mean something, this case would be it.
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by purpletinted66 »

Whoever seeks their moral compass from examples springing up in the game of football have a screw loose anyway. But in this case where it came to light that adrian peterson got medieval on his kids when he took them to the woodshed, then he should be the last one to be grieved to carry out the process of clearing his name. And if he sees his own infirmity/wrong in doing what he did, then all people can finally look upon him as an example of someone that did such wrongdoing, but corrected his way, instead of say, giving any occasion to child abusers to say to themselves that what he did deserves a slap on the wrist: but with his reforms, he does not deserve total banishment.
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by chicagopurple »

I also find myself a bit more distant from the game due to the over-priced cost.....its becoming an event that will someday only be attended by the Uber Wealthy, or cronies sitting in a million dollar both owned by a MegaCorp. The same is true of many sports, but its worst in Football especially with their short season. My dad used to take me to games. Nowadays, that "treat" would cost me about a THOUSAND Dollars if I took my 2 kids to a game!!! But hey, thats modern Corporate Amerika.

The posturing regarding AP is a different issue. In the "good old days" if a player beat his wife, was a raging drunk driver, etc, the laeague and society just hushed it all up. THAT was Bad.....Nowadays, the pendulum has swung the other way. thats not too great either. Hopefully, we will land somewhere in the reasonable middle. BUT, the bottom line is that AP brought this upon himself. He needs to shut up, stop gabbing about smokin dope, and extricate himself from this mess and eke out the last years of his career.......somewhere.
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by Crax »

I think he got railroaded a bit by the NFL, but at the same time, deserves it somewhat. He could have handled this much better himself from a PR perspective. Even if he thinks everything he did was perfectly great, he should have at least got up and made an heartfelt(fake or not) apology. It's too late now, but Peterson screwed himself on this issue too. Everybody loves it when people get up there and cry
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by fiestavike »

Mothman wrote: At least a 15 game penalty...

Wow, what a hot, steaming mess. So Roger Goodell's response to Adrian Peterson abusing his authority as a parent and excessively disciplining his child is to abuse his authority as Commissioner and excessively discipline Peterson? That seems flawed to me.

The league 's behavior in all of this sure seems shady and manipulative to me. Perhaps that's not the best description for it but it looks to me like they delayed a decision on removing Peterson from the exemption list until there were only 6 games remaining, set up a meeting late last week under circumstances the NFLPA would likely find objectionable and then, when Peterson and the union unsurprisingly declined to attend, the league leaked that information to Adam Schefter over the weekend to cast Peterson in an uncooperative light and "soften" the blow of today's heavy-handed decision.
I think those of us who find this outrageous need to make a little noise.

Here is a link to where you can send a comment to the NFL. I suggest keeping any comments free of curse words and vulgarity.
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by halfgiz »

Article on NFL.COM and they have the comments disabled.
Goodell just needs to go!!!! He is not doing the NFL any favors.
Don't get me wrong AD needed some kind of discipline....
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Re: Peterson plea deal...

Post by fiestavike »

Crax wrote:I think he got railroaded a bit by the NFL, but at the same time, deserves it somewhat. He could have handled this much better himself from a PR perspective. Even if he thinks everything he did was perfectly great, he should have at least got up and made an heartfelt(fake or not) apology. It's too late now, but Peterson screwed himself on this issue too. Everybody loves it when people get up there and cry
I disagree, and at this point I think he should double down on his beliefs whether we agree with them or not. He's gone through a legal process, that's resolved, we don't need the NFL moralizing on their views of proper parenting. If people just keep rolling over the squeaky minority is driving the whole ship of society down a bad road. Peterson has a real chance to redeem himself beyond football in this case by taking a stand, even if it costs him his career.
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