Case and point

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Re: Case and point

Post by jackal »

Man we got two guys with a myriad of injury concerns
and a maybe with our back up. I was really pulling Bradford
and loved his accuracy, but now is looking like a walking
wounded kinda guy ... sighs
no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
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Re: Case and point

Post by PurpleKoolaid »

The Vikings have always had a hard time finding a good QB, whether through the draft, or FA. Dante was good because we had Moss, and he just had to look where Moss was running and throw the ball as hard as he good, with a good arc on the ball.

But its been so bad since then. Ever since the Wilfs took over it was bad. And one constant during this time was Rick Spieman. He has been on this team as VP of PP, or GM. And I personally dont see this team better, other then on defense. And lately I think a lot of that is Zimmer, although I think he blew it on wanting Waynes and Alexander. But Rick is an average GM at best. We are no when near a dynasty. The Sam Bradford trade was a horrible idea and set us back. Why pick an old, repeatedly injured QB, to play behind the worst Oline i have ever seen? Fix the Oline first. Use the backup to finish the season. Just because our D was good, didnt mean we had to blow a first round pick on a QB like Sam, when the offense was terrible. It makes me furious. To be honest, I dont wasnt Rick anywhere near the draft game when we get our future QB, because I know Sam isnt it, and although I love Teddy, I dont think he is it either. Nor is Case. We got to get a GM outside of the Vikings organization, and find a slightly better Oline and a real good QB, like all the teams in the playoffs every year have. Or keep trying till we do. Get some decent QB scouts. Couches that can train a raw, young QB.

I know I harp on how much I dislike Rick, but I believe he is bad for this team, just as much as I believe Mcnabb was a horrible idea when Fraizer played him. Sometimes time doesnt make a GM better. Look at what the Lions went through for years.
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Re: Case and point

Post by halfgiz »

I'm not so sure at the time trading for Bradford was a horrible idea. I honestly think they thought with a decent QB
they was built to win now. But then injuries to most of the offense took that dream away.

Could Keenum be a Trent Dilfer, good enough game manager to win games and take us to the playoffs.
How many games does he have to start before he is no longer a backup QB?
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