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Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:49 am
by dkoby
Valhalla wrote:
I didn't mean anything about name-calling per anything you wrote.

What I'm referring to is the way Michael Vick was called say, a dog-killer, that's name-calling, Peterson is going to face this same kind of negative reaction as well as someone has pointed out. Yes, people deserve to be called out for their actions. There are probably many parents and others in authority that have dished out this kind of punishment, some got away with it but Peterson definitely is going to be the brunt of some pretty vicious words, some of it may be deserved but I don't think all of it.
But, that is exactly what he did. He killed dogs. What he did WAS vicious. Those words describe exactly what he did.

Part of society has already convicted AD because of the pictures. Yes, I have a son (30) and I did spank him and he was in a broken home environment starting when he was 8. I literally chewed my tongue off trying to not tell him the truth about what his mother was doing. And I knew to be careful in punishment because the X and I could never agree on that in the first place. Ironically, I never had to really discipline him after we were separated. He knew that there would be punishment coming if it was needed. She on the other hand got the worse of it. My son always misbehaved with her.
I never left the kind of marks on my kid that I have seen in the pictures. He (Peterson) crossed a line. Lots of people consider that abuse and that is THEIR judgement.

We all live with what we have done, whether convicted or not.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:57 am
by tnvikesfan
Whether or not Peterson shares custody, has joint custody or full custody, what he did was wrong. I don't care how he was raised, that is a cop out and always has been. There is enough information out there to show what is right and what isn't. Taking a switch to bare skin in such a manner where you leave wounds is NOT the right way.

Understanding why he did what he did will go a long way towards him fixing the problem. But, as his posted texts show, he did not believe he was in the wrong, just that he went a little overboard. This will be the hardest part, because if he truly does not believe he was in the wrong, he will not honestly correct it.

This is most likely a generational issue, he is doing what he learned. Many families carry dysfunction down the family tree as he is doing. Physical, emotional and sexual abuse - whether against a minor or of someone legal age - is usually passed down from one generation to the next. That is why you see women/men repeating relationships with abusers, abused kids who become abusers, etc. It is what they learned as the norm, and until they realize that it is NOT the norm nor an accepted way of life, they have no incentive to change it. Different incidents will cause different individuals to change - and we can only hope that this will be the catalyst for not only Peterson but for all of his children to find a new path and break the cycle.

BTW, being religious and Bible thumping does not make a person. Many hide behind the pulpit and continue illegal/immoral activities. I'm sure you can find individual verses in the Bible to support pretty much whatever you want to do. Taking those verses out of context or inappropriately as many have done has been used as a defense of bad behavior for centuries. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:36 am
by dkoby
acousticrock wrote: This situation has so many layers (culture, parenting, how AD was raised, etc.) that it will be really interesting to see what happens.
This is exactly my point. He may or may not get convicted by the letter of the law, but many already see it as abuse. You can't control how people think or feel about this.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:42 am
by Mothman
tnvikesfan wrote:Whether or not Peterson shares custody, has joint custody or full custody, what he did was wrong. I don't care how he was raised, that is a cop out and always has been. There is enough information out there to show what is right and what isn't. Taking a switch to bare skin in such a manner where you leave wounds is NOT the right way.

Understanding why he did what he did will go a long way towards him fixing the problem. But, as his posted texts show, he did not believe he was in the wrong, just that he went a little overboard. This will be the hardest part, because if he truly does not believe he was in the wrong, he will not honestly correct it.

This is most likely a generational issue, he is doing what he learned. Many families carry dysfunction down the family tree as he is doing. Physical, emotional and sexual abuse - whether against a minor or of someone legal age - is usually passed down from one generation to the next. That is why you see women/men repeating relationships with abusers, abused kids who become abusers, etc. It is what they learned as the norm, and until they realize that it is NOT the norm nor an accepted way of life, they have no incentive to change it.
Exactly, which is why I don't think it's a cop out for Peterson to say that's how he was raised. As you seem to be acknowledging above, it's been pretty firmly established that "'intergenerational transmission'" or the cycle of abuse, if you prefer that description, is real. It's tragic and it doesn't excuse wrongful actions but it helps to explains them in some cases. As you said, we can only hope this incident will be the catalyst for Peterson and his children to break the cycle. Hopefully, whatever publicity it generates will also help to break the cycle in some other families out there.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:42 pm
by Funkytown
ESPN - Vikings RB Adrian Peterson apologizes in statement, says he "never ever intended to harm my son"

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:57 pm
by Just Me
Valhalla wrote: ... user091514

Lengthy statement from AP. One can read the whole thing.
Thanks for posting that...
Adrian Peterson wrote: I am not a perfect son. I am not a perfect husband. I am not a perfect parent, but I am, without a doubt, not a child abuser. I am someone that disciplined his child and did not intend to cause him any injury. No one can understand the hurt that I feel for my son and for the harm I caused him. My goal is always to teach my son right from wrong and that's what I tried to do that day.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:22 pm
by Mothman
Valhalla wrote: ... user091514

Lengthy statement from AP. One can read the whole thing.

I actually found that very moving. Thanks for the link.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:24 pm
by PsyDanny
dkoby wrote:I wish the references to religion would stop. Deeply religious men do not have multiple illegitimate children and father children they don't even know they have and lead lives with multiple broken home scenarios.

Guy's trying to have it both ways.
Earlier this year, AP made a statement wherein he recognized that he has not been living the way he should - according to his faith. As a man of faith, I try to do right, but often struggle and sometimes fall. And I really have it easy, in many ways, since I am not faced with the kinds of temptations as one like AP might face.

Given the time I recall this statement being made (sometime during OT's or Training camp, I believe), I wonder if this incident was among the kinds of things that had grabbed his attention, along with the promiscuity (a term, that I seem to recall of his own usage on said statement), etc.

With that said, then who are we to judge particularly in the context of knowing his "heart" or his state of mind?

One of the things he did say in that statement, was that he recognizes he has not been walking according to his beliefs and was re-committing himself to doing so.

Certainly we can all judge right from wrong in terms of our own ideas regarding a boundary between parental discipline and child abuse, and certainly the law in Texas will be applied. He will pay a price in terms of public sentiment and will probably pay some price in terms of Texas law.

Beyond that, I am willing to give some grace. I am more interested in the man that Adrian may yet become as he walks this path. I am hoping that he truly seeks to live the kind of faith walk that he talks about - and so, I am on the side of redemption, reconciliation and all such good things.

For now, I will not wear AP's jersey. But I hope I can some day! Not so much for the player, but for the man.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:28 pm
by Just Me
PsyDanny wrote: Earlier this year, AP made a statement wherein he recognized that he has not been living the way he should - according to his faith. As a man of faith, I try to do right, but often struggle and sometimes fall. And I really have it easy, in many ways, since I am not faced with the kinds of temptations as one like AP might face.

Given the time I recall this statement being made (sometime during OT's or Training camp, I believe), I wonder if this incident was among the kinds of things that had grabbed his attention, along with the promiscuity (a term, that I seem to recall of his own usage on said statement), etc.

With that said, then who are we to judge particularly in the context of knowing his "heart" or his state of mind?

One of the things he did say in that statement, was that he recognizes he has not been walking according to his beliefs and was re-committing himself to doing so.

Certainly we can all judge right from wrong in terms of our own ideas regarding a boundary between parental discipline and child abuse, and certainly the law in Texas will be applied. He will pay a price in terms of public sentiment and will probably pay some price in terms of Texas law.

Beyond that, I am willing to give some grace. I am more interested in the man that Adrian may yet become as he walks this path. I am hoping that he truly seeks to live the kind of faith walk that he talks about - and so, I am on the side of redemption, reconciliation and all such good things.

For now, I will not wear AP's jersey. But I hope I can some day! Not so much for the player, but for the man.
VERY well said! I concur...

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:33 pm
by Mothman
PsyDanny wrote:Earlier this year, AP made a statement wherein he recognized that he has not been living the way he should - according to his faith. As a man of faith, I try to do right, but often struggle and sometimes fall. And I really have it easy, in many ways, since I am not faced with the kinds of temptations as one like AP might face.

Given the time I recall this statement being made (sometime during OT's or Training camp, I believe), I wonder if this incident was among the kinds of things that had grabbed his attention, along with the promiscuity (a term, that I seem to recall of his own usage on said statement), etc.

With that said, then who are we to judge particularly in the context of knowing his "heart" or his state of mind?

One of the things he did say in that statement, was that he recognizes he has not been walking according to his beliefs and was re-committing himself to doing so.

Certainly we can all judge right from wrong in terms of our own ideas regarding a boundary between parental discipline and child abuse, and certainly the law in Texas will be applied. He will pay a price in terms of public sentiment and will probably pay some price in terms of Texas law.

Beyond that, I am willing to give some grace. I am more interested in the man that Adrian may yet become as he walks this path. I am hoping that he truly seeks to live the kind of faith walk that he talks about - and so, I am on the side of redemption, reconciliation and all such good things.

For now, I will not wear AP's jersey. But I hope I can some day! Not so much for the player, but for the man.
Fantastic post. Thanks for taking the time to write that. You've articulated some of my own thoughts about this situation far better than I could have myself and you've given me even more to think about.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:35 pm
by NextQuestion
The sad thing was seeing so many children at the game with 28 jerseys.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:46 pm
by chicagopurple
It IS appalling that anyone would whip a little four year old till they were cut up and bleeding...thats called child abuse NOT tough love. How you grew up plays no role in this...My little white middle class #### got many a spanking, sometimes with a paddle......NEVER enough to cause injury! There is NO excuse for what AP did. It is INEXCUSABLE. Period.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:02 pm
by DK Sweets
PsyDanny wrote: Earlier this year, AP made a statement wherein he recognized that he has not been living the way he should - according to his faith. As a man of faith, I try to do right, but often struggle and sometimes fall. And I really have it easy, in many ways, since I am not faced with the kinds of temptations as one like AP might face.

Given the time I recall this statement being made (sometime during OT's or Training camp, I believe), I wonder if this incident was among the kinds of things that had grabbed his attention, along with the promiscuity (a term, that I seem to recall of his own usage on said statement), etc.

With that said, then who are we to judge particularly in the context of knowing his "heart" or his state of mind?

One of the things he did say in that statement, was that he recognizes he has not been walking according to his beliefs and was re-committing himself to doing so.

Certainly we can all judge right from wrong in terms of our own ideas regarding a boundary between parental discipline and child abuse, and certainly the law in Texas will be applied. He will pay a price in terms of public sentiment and will probably pay some price in terms of Texas law.

Beyond that, I am willing to give some grace. I am more interested in the man that Adrian may yet become as he walks this path. I am hoping that he truly seeks to live the kind of faith walk that he talks about - and so, I am on the side of redemption, reconciliation and all such good things.

For now, I will not wear AP's jersey. But I hope I can some day! Not so much for the player, but for the man.
Thank you for posting this. Very well put.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:37 pm
by chicagopurple
@ acousticrock.....

you ignore the matter of degrees....and keep tryin to play a race card......

it makes no difference if you used a paddle, a hand or a stick.....a morally capable adult would use corporal punishment very carefully on a child they love, ie NOT tearing a bunch of lacerations in there buttocks and scrotum!!......Stop making excuses for AP. HE acted like a real dirtbag, He needs to be punished by society and everyone associated with him needs to shame him until he reaches a point where he will never do this to another child. Period. Stop implying that because he started out poor and black, we just dont understand him and he has a shred of an excuse. He does NOT. No one has an excuse in their life to justify child abuse.

Re: Adrian Peterson Indicted for Negligent Injury to a Child

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:45 pm
by MrPurplenGold
chicagopurple wrote:@ acousticrock.....

you ignore the matter of degrees....and keep tryin to play a race card......

it makes no difference if you used a paddle, a hand or a stick.....a morally capable adult would use corporal punishment very carefully on a child they love, ie NOT tearing a bunch of lacerations in there buttocks and scrotum!!......Stop making excuses for AP. HE acted like a real dirtbag, He needs to be punished by society and everyone associated with him needs to shame him until he reaches a point where he will never do this to another child. Period. Stop implying that because he started out poor and black, we just dont understand him and he has a shred of an excuse. He does NOT. No one has an excuse in their life to justify child abuse.

What about the subculture of society that finds whipping a child with a switch morally acceptable