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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by Pondering Her Percy »

J. Kapp 11 wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 11:02 am
CharVike wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:08 am
What makes you think Zimmer couldn't stand Keenum? Elway couldn't stand him either and gave him his walking papers after giving him a ton of cash. Zim let him walk also. Keenum is a great backup. Yes he won a playoff miracle game. Then crapped the bed in the Champ game. That's why we got rid of him. Cousins looked shell shocked because the Packers and this Smith guy were bringing pressure. Since I've watched this game the key for a great pass defense is tremendous pressure. No QB can take it. The Bear 46 defense had all QBs crapping in their pants. I've seen the great Jaws face Lawerence Taylor and if he didn't know where he was he called time out. He didn't want the blindside decking that was coming. I don't blame him. Same thing will happen if the Bears want to play and bring pressure. Cousins will be done. Cousins had some wonderful games and wasn't afraid of a turn over. Last night the pressure got the best of him. Nothing to do with Zim. When we put heat on Rodgers he didn't look to good either. Looked confused. That's what pass D is all about IMO. Bring the heat big time.
Easy bro. This is not a “we shoulda kept Case” rant. But you can’t tell me with a straight face that Zimmer liked Keenum. He didn’t even make Keenum the definitive starter until we were almost in the playoffs. And he said Keenum had a horseshoe up his butt, meaning he was lucky.

I just think that the overall philosophy of extreme risk aversion leans way too conservative. I place this loss on the coaching staff, and Zimmer leads that staff. That kind of offensive ineptitude, at home, against a defense that has not been as good as we made them look, falls squarely at the feet of the coaching staff. Yes, the pressure got the best of Cousins. And what did we do to offset that pressure? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No draws. No screens. Very few rollouts. Just drop back and let him get killed. Extremely poor game plan, and zero adjustments.
You couldn’t be more spot on with this Kapp. My family is super busy today so I don’t have a lot of time to post but this couldn’t have been said any better.

That offense last night looked so out of their realm last night it’s not even funny. I haven’t seen cousins drop back from under center that much since weeks 1-4. Stefanski seemed so lost without cook. It was so predictable, like you said hardly any rollouts, 1 screen towards the end of the game, turned one dimensional, etc.

They need to figure out this run game. I can guarantee GB didn’t go into that game saying “we have to stop Mike Boone”. They didn’t stack the box like they would for cook or maybe even mattison. GB played for the pass all night and we did nothing with Boone. We turned into a one dimensional offense last night when we didn’t have to. The play action wasn’t faking out GB at all because again, they weren’t worried about Boone. The point of the rollouts is to get cousins in space and away from this horrid pass blocking and we completely strayed away from that. Cousins is lucky to be standing today. Reiff is horrendous, Elflein is horrendous, Bradbury couldn’t pass block a fly, etc. The constant pressure cousins was getting up the middle was a joke. He often had little pocket to step into.

And then, the fricken overthinking on 3rd and 3 and 3rd and 4. Sure the Philly special was open, but again, you needed 3 fricken yards. Throw a check down to ham and get the first....anything other than a trick play. We had an opportunity to drive right there. Then the 3rd and 4 running a counter with Thielen and diggs. Even the dumbest announcer on earth Booger McFarland said “the Vikings want Thielen catching the ball, not running it”. And idk what’s up with Thielen but that long drop he had was at least 3 points there.

Cousins didn’t play well at all but stefanski did what flip did to cousins last year. Put it all on his shoulders, strayed away from the run, and put him in the face of constant pressure. I like stefanski and this new offense but that was by far the worst game I’ve ever seen him call. Stefanski did the opposite of what he’s done all year this game and I have no idea why. It’s like they had no clue how to game plan without cook and mattison and it shouldn’t have been nearly as difficult as they made it out to be.

So much for being busy today and not posting much :lol:

I have a lot more to say regarding defense, zimmer, this team going forward, etc. We’ll talk soon. Have a good Christmas brother!
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by psjordan »

There’s a great clip from National Lampoon’s Vacation where they are just about to Wallyworld and everyone in the car wants to turn around and go home, and Ellen says “what do you think Clark?” His answer is my response to the folks here who think our D “played great!” last night.

We got TOASTED by the GB offense, in case no one noticed after being blinded by three great turnovers. Waxed, gashed, manhandled, out-played, whatever you want to call it. Our 2-3 good stops looked great simply because the expectation became we can’t stop a single thing they are doing. They rushed for what, 200 yards and Adams had 13 receptions and our D "played great"? Our D kept us in the game but they hardly played great.

And no, it was not because of the TOP and our D being tired (although give me a break, this is week 16, if our players are tired out there it’s on the coaches for not having proper rotations ready by this time of the year).

And as for this "being what it's like without Cook", really? So we are saying this coaching staff can only function with a top 3-4 RB playing out of his mind? Really? I certainly expect a heckuva lot more than that from a staff.

We have one of the most mediocre coaching staffs in the league. I asked the question weeks ago, has this coaching staff made our players better at what they do? And getting “better” for one season is not what I’m referring to. I’m talking about good players who arrived and have been consistently better, season after season, while being coached by this staff? Has there been any point in time in Zimmer’s tenure when you’ve said to yourself, “man I am SO glad we have Dinkle Witkowski coaching our [pick a position], I hope we don’t lose him to another team! Every player he has coached is playing well!”. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? And please don't tell me how well Cousins has played. I get it. He still wins the same type of games that he won in WAS and lo and behold he still loses the same types of games he lost in WAS. And I use the terms "won" and "lost" loosely, I know it's a team game.

I know I’m looking through the unmitigated disaster of last night’s loss, but I have to tell you when all five of our OL are struggling I simply don’t think (statistically) we whiffed on all five players. Dennison, Janocko and Pariani really stink at what they do, and that is by far the biggest reason our OL struggles. We need a new OL and tight end STAFF, we don’t need an entirely new OL/TE roster.

And why stop there for goodness sake. Zimmer has not proven to me that he is particularly good-to-great at ANYTHING having to do with being an NFL HC. It seems the team is always flat for big games under his tenure, and geez, what else are you coaching for? To win 9 games, beat DET twice per year and make the playoffs every other year?

I know there is a lot of down sentiment on Spielman as well, but I almost have to give him a pass after seeing how inept this staff can be when the chips are on the line. Maybe he’s the greatest GM in the league just to get us players that win this many games DESPITE our coaching staff. I don’t know. I’ve coached a bit and I am firmly in the camp that the coaching staff makes the biggest difference for individual players and for a team. I realize a lot of fans take the “it’s the players, not the coaches” stance but I’ve been there and I know how a bad coach can screw up a good player and how a good coach can make a bad player a decent or even great player.

I’m disgusted by several things with this team, the majority of our coaches being number one on my hit parade. Several players also make me puke, and this isn’t a popular take but if Waynes, Hughes or Alexander turtle one more time on a tackle “attempt” I am going to puke all over the floor. Rhodes can hit if he can get there, but that’s a big if lately. Tired of making Harry do ALL the heavy hitting in the secondary. I cannot imagine this stuff does not come up in film sessions. I’d be “highly perturbed” if I were Harrison Smith watching any game film.

I’ve got a ton more to get off my chest but I’ll save something for after the playoff loss (long string of expletives deleted).
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by S197 »

Mothman wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:50 am
TSonn wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:29 amAgreed. But a lot of that has to do with being able to run. Can't constantly bring pressure if you're also playing the run. Once they knew we couldn't run with Boone, they just teed off. Opposite for us - Jones was constantly gouging us on 1st down so we couldn't bring constant pressure.
Yes, and that undermines the idea that the defense played "great" or even all that well. Green Bay moved the ball on them all night, primarily with Adams and Jones, so the Vikings knew who was getting the ball and they still couldn't stop them. The deserve huge kudos for the turnovers they forced in the first half but the offense couldn't capitalize, the defense couldn't sufficiently stifle GB and consequently, the Packers were able to wear them down.
I agree, I think the defense played well in the redzone but not well overall. GB was consistently getting 5+ yards on 1st down running the ball. They also converted several long 3rd downs. Part of the reason they were on the field so long was the offensive woes but they also did themselves no favors with a really poor run defense. People are perhaps forgetting that GB should have been leading at halftime had it not been for a very easy drop by Adams.

By the 2nd half the defense was gassed and GB had their way.
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by VikingLord »

StumpHunter wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:05 pm
VikingLord wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 11:07 am

What can the coaches do when the opponent's defensive line is beating the offensive line at will? What kind of gameplan is there to compensate for total physical domination across the entire front?
It wasn't like that the entire game. The last couple drives for sure it was like that, but that was only after the Vikings made themselves one dimensional and GB started to pin their ears back and go after the QB.

As for what you would do once GB started to really get after Kirk, I don't think there is anything you can do with our current QB. Brady and Brees would have made quick throws to avoid the rush, Rodgers and Wilson would have scrambled and moved the pocket. We have a slow QB who holds the ball too long. You give him all day to throw it and there aren't many better than him at passing, but it is unrealistic to ask that of an offensive line.
I think it was like that whole game. There were no running lanes. The Packer DL were in the backfield almost immediately on pretty much every snap in the first half, running or passing. I don't think it had anything to do with the playcalling being one dimensional or the way Cousins was playing. The Vikings offensive linemen were getting ragdolled from the first snap.

I know you want to focus on Cousins, and he certainly did nothing to change the dynamic, but that was the worst performance by an offensive line at the pro level I've seen in a long time, and there isn't much anyone can do to compensate for such poor play in terms of playcalling or the QB improvising in that situation.
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by Maelstrom88 »

StumpHunter wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:05 pm
VikingLord wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 11:07 am

What can the coaches do when the opponent's defensive line is beating the offensive line at will? What kind of gameplan is there to compensate for total physical domination across the entire front?
It wasn't like that the entire game. The last couple drives for sure it was like that, but that was only after the Vikings made themselves one dimensional and GB started to pin their ears back and go after the QB.

As for what you would do once GB started to really get after Kirk, I don't think there is anything you can do with our current QB. Brady and Brees would have made quick throws to avoid the rush, Rodgers and Wilson would have scrambled and moved the pocket. We have a slow QB who holds the ball too long. You give him all day to throw it and there aren't many better than him at passing, but it is unrealistic to ask that of an offensive line.
He had all day to throw it on one of his interceptions. He forced it into double coverage deep and it was a bad pass. He's simply not the answer.

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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by StumpHunter »

VikingLord wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:00 pm
StumpHunter wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:05 pm

It wasn't like that the entire game. The last couple drives for sure it was like that, but that was only after the Vikings made themselves one dimensional and GB started to pin their ears back and go after the QB.

As for what you would do once GB started to really get after Kirk, I don't think there is anything you can do with our current QB. Brady and Brees would have made quick throws to avoid the rush, Rodgers and Wilson would have scrambled and moved the pocket. We have a slow QB who holds the ball too long. You give him all day to throw it and there aren't many better than him at passing, but it is unrealistic to ask that of an offensive line.
I think it was like that whole game. There were no running lanes. The Packer DL were in the backfield almost immediately on pretty much every snap in the first half, running or passing. I don't think it had anything to do with the playcalling being one dimensional or the way Cousins was playing. The Vikings offensive linemen were getting ragdolled from the first snap.

I know you want to focus on Cousins, and he certainly did nothing to change the dynamic, but that was the worst performance by an offensive line at the pro level I've seen in a long time, and there isn't much anyone can do to compensate for such poor play in terms of playcalling or the QB improvising in that situation.
So you don't think the QB holding the ball longer than any QB in the NFL this week had anything to do with the pressure given up by the Oline? ... e-to-throw

That is an odd stat from a QB who was "immediately pressured" on nearly every play.

The last quarter was definitely on the Oline, I won't argue that, but it wasn't all bad all the time. There were opportunities, we just missed on them.
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by Maelstrom88 »

psjordan wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:29 pm There’s a great clip from National Lampoon’s Vacation where they are just about to Wallyworld and everyone in the car wants to turn around and go home, and Ellen says “what do you think Clark?” His answer is my response to the folks here who think our D “played great!” last night.

We got TOASTED by the GB offense, in case no one noticed after being blinded by three great turnovers. Waxed, gashed, manhandled, out-played, whatever you want to call it. Our 2-3 good stops looked great simply because the expectation became we can’t stop a single thing they are doing. They rushed for what, 200 yards and Adams had 13 receptions and our D "played great"? Our D kept us in the game but they hardly played great.

And no, it was not because of the TOP and our D being tired (although give me a break, this is week 16, if our players are tired out there it’s on the coaches for not having proper rotations ready by this time of the year).

And as for this "being what it's like without Cook", really? So we are saying this coaching staff can only function with a top 3-4 RB playing out of his mind? Really? I certainly expect a heckuva lot more than that from a staff.

We have one of the most mediocre coaching staffs in the league. I asked the question weeks ago, has this coaching staff made our players better at what they do? And getting “better” for one season is not what I’m referring to. I’m talking about good players who arrived and have been consistently better, season after season, while being coached by this staff? Has there been any point in time in Zimmer’s tenure when you’ve said to yourself, “man I am SO glad we have Dinkle Witkowski coaching our [pick a position], I hope we don’t lose him to another team! Every player he has coached is playing well!”. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? And please don't tell me how well Cousins has played. I get it. He still wins the same type of games that he won in WAS and lo and behold he still loses the same types of games he lost in WAS. And I use the terms "won" and "lost" loosely, I know it's a team game.

I know I’m looking through the unmitigated disaster of last night’s loss, but I have to tell you when all five of our OL are struggling I simply don’t think (statistically) we whiffed on all five players. Dennison, Janocko and Pariani really stink at what they do, and that is by far the biggest reason our OL struggles. We need a new OL and tight end STAFF, we don’t need an entirely new OL/TE roster.

And why stop there for goodness sake. Zimmer has not proven to me that he is particularly good-to-great at ANYTHING having to do with being an NFL HC. It seems the team is always flat for big games under his tenure, and geez, what else are you coaching for? To win 9 games, beat DET twice per year and make the playoffs every other year?

I know there is a lot of down sentiment on Spielman as well, but I almost have to give him a pass after seeing how inept this staff can be when the chips are on the line. Maybe he’s the greatest GM in the league just to get us players that win this many games DESPITE our coaching staff. I don’t know. I’ve coached a bit and I am firmly in the camp that the coaching staff makes the biggest difference for individual players and for a team. I realize a lot of fans take the “it’s the players, not the coaches” stance but I’ve been there and I know how a bad coach can screw up a good player and how a good coach can make a bad player a decent or even great player.

I’m disgusted by several things with this team, the majority of our coaches being number one on my hit parade. Several players also make me puke, and this isn’t a popular take but if Waynes, Hughes or Alexander turtle one more time on a tackle “attempt” I am going to puke all over the floor. Rhodes can hit if he can get there, but that’s a big if lately. Tired of making Harry do ALL the heavy hitting in the secondary. I cannot imagine this stuff does not come up in film sessions. I’d be “highly perturbed” if I were Harrison Smith watching any game film.

I’ve got a ton more to get off my chest but I’ll save something for after the playoff loss (long string of expletives deleted).
:appl: Completely agree. Zimmer is always outcoached in big games. He is a big part of the problem. Also, there is a reason Dennison was told to leave Denver and they replaced him with Munchack.

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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by Pondering Her Percy »

StumpHunter wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:23 pm
VikingLord wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:00 pm

I think it was like that whole game. There were no running lanes. The Packer DL were in the backfield almost immediately on pretty much every snap in the first half, running or passing. I don't think it had anything to do with the playcalling being one dimensional or the way Cousins was playing. The Vikings offensive linemen were getting ragdolled from the first snap.

I know you want to focus on Cousins, and he certainly did nothing to change the dynamic, but that was the worst performance by an offensive line at the pro level I've seen in a long time, and there isn't much anyone can do to compensate for such poor play in terms of playcalling or the QB improvising in that situation.
So you don't think the QB holding the ball longer than any QB in the NFL this week had anything to do with the pressure given up by the Oline? ... e-to-throw

That is an odd stat from a QB who was "immediately pressured" on nearly every play.

The last quarter was definitely on the Oline, I won't argue that, but it wasn't all bad all the time. There were opportunities, we just missed on them.
:roll: Oh god here we go. Trust me don’t even bother getting started with him.
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by Pondering Her Percy »

Maelstrom88 wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:15 pm
StumpHunter wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:05 pm

It wasn't like that the entire game. The last couple drives for sure it was like that, but that was only after the Vikings made themselves one dimensional and GB started to pin their ears back and go after the QB.

As for what you would do once GB started to really get after Kirk, I don't think there is anything you can do with our current QB. Brady and Brees would have made quick throws to avoid the rush, Rodgers and Wilson would have scrambled and moved the pocket. We have a slow QB who holds the ball too long. You give him all day to throw it and there aren't many better than him at passing, but it is unrealistic to ask that of an offensive line.
He had all day to throw it on one of his interceptions. He forced it into double coverage deep and it was a bad pass. He's simply not the answer.
So since he threw what? His first pick of the year on a deep ball.....compared to the 13+ TDs he has on deep balls and #1 QB rating on deep passes this year, that means he’s not the answer? Sounds like a poor way to measure a QBs overall performance if you ask me.

Nobody is going to sit here and say cousins played good because he didn’t at all, but again, there was plenty of bad to go around this game.

I find it pretty funny when cousins is playing good and guys are loving it and talking him up and the second he has a bad game out of the last how many now, guys want him gone

Same has happened with zimmer on here.
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by The negotiator »

halfgiz wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 12:00 am D played a good game tonight! 3 turnovers and 3 sacks.
Offense totally stunk it up. And Kirk is 0-9 MNF.
I hope Kendricks and Barr injuries aren't bad.

Packers 55 Smith...the offense couldn't contain him.

I think it's time for change.
Just an fyi, the opponents that Kirk has faced have averaged 31 points per game on MNF before last nights game. Just saying. SH time to throw is a little skewed. The pocket is not spread out. Throwing lanes are obstructed. Our O line cannot protect Kirk in straight drop backs. Reiff is worse than awful. There has to be a lot more zone blocking schemes in order for this offense to work. With no running game last nights game looked eerily similar to Kirk’s time in Washington, with the exception he had a pretty decent O line which gave him time to throw. I don’t care what time stats you throw out, I know what I saw. PA is limited when you can’t run. On the replay of the game, I didn’t see much separation with our receivers. Is Thielan healthy? Our play calling absolutely sucked last night. Stefanski was the biggest disappointment to me last night. His inability to adjust during the game calls into question his skill level in a big game. Zimmer really pissed me off by saying “Kirk has to get the ball out quicker”. How? If you can’t get separation, what next? Having said all that, Kirk didn’t have one of his better games. We have seen him win big games numerous times against winning teams in Washington. He destroyed the pukers on Sunday night prime time. I understand how much fun it is to watch Mahommes or Jackson, but Kirk is not mobile. With no running game and play calling like last night, it doesn’t bode well.
We need Cook or Mattison badly to gibe is some balance
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by VikingLord »

StumpHunter wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:23 pm So you don't think the QB holding the ball longer than any QB in the NFL this week had anything to do with the pressure given up by the Oline? ... e-to-throw

That is an odd stat from a QB who was "immediately pressured" on nearly every play.

The last quarter was definitely on the Oline, I won't argue that, but it wasn't all bad all the time. There were opportunities, we just missed on them.
I don't know how the stats can suggest Cousins had all day to throw in any quarter of last night's game. That wasn't what I saw. I saw a QB under constant duress that had no support from his run game. The Packers just destroyed the Vikings front 5 from start to finish.

I'm not absolving Cousins. He did almost nothing to alter the dynamic and was as ineffective as pretty much everyone else on the offense. But he's far from the reason it happened. To me, it's the Five Amigos up front that were the main cause (well, either that or the Packer defensive line waited until this game to demonstrate they are by far the best front four in the NFL this year, and, for that matter, any year in recent memory).

Actually, to be fair to the Five Amigos, I have to credit O'Neill with a solid game. He played well for the most part. But everyone else on that line could audition for the next Friday the 13th sequel. Maybe that's what they can do during their rapidly looming offseason.
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by VikingLord »

Pondering Her Percy wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:27 pm [I find it pretty funny when cousins is playing good and guys are loving it and talking him up and the second he has a bad game out of the last how many now, guys want him gone

Same has happened with zimmer on here.
Don't both of them kind of merit that criticism though?

I think we've got a pretty well established pattern in front of us with both. Cousins is not making the difference in big games. Put him up against poor competition and he looks good. Put him under pressure against better competition and he wilts.

Same with Zimmer.

Do you have confidence that, if the chips are down, either of them can surprise to the upside in critical games?

The state of Minnesota has invested heavily in the team. They have a fabulous, state of the art stadium and practice facility now. The Wilfs have pumped every spare dime allowed under the salary cap to give the GM and coaches everything they want and need. The team has talent and veterans all across the board.

But something is missing. Even a blind Viking monk who has lived his entire life in the northern-most reaches of Sweden can see that.

And what is going to happen the rest of this year? I'd say it's even money last night's outcome is repeated this coming Sunday against a Bears team that is out and has nothing to play for, and probably for much the same reason - the offensive line gets dominated start-to-finish and neither the coaches nor Cousins has an answer to that pressure. Then it's on the road to whatever team is lucky enough to be the final executioner for this year's Vikings. They'll go to the gallows meekly most likely.

What's next for the offseason? The Wilfs watched Zimmer and Cousins finish out of the playoffs a year ago. This year, in the playoffs but likely beaten down 3 games in a row. If that happens, what more can they do? Will they sit back and accept whatever lame excuses are thrown around and tee everything up again for a rinse-repeat for the 2020 season, or will they decide to shake things up and try to at least position the team for the kinds of changes necessary to not just get to the playoffs, but to actually beat the better teams?

I hate to be so fatalistic, but at this point it's a real stretch, a looong stretch, to believe the Vikings can get it done with what they are putting out there the last two seasons.
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by TSonn »

VikingLord wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:52 pm
Pondering Her Percy wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:27 pm [I find it pretty funny when cousins is playing good and guys are loving it and talking him up and the second he has a bad game out of the last how many now, guys want him gone

Same has happened with zimmer on here.
Don't both of them kind of merit that criticism though?

I think we've got a pretty well established pattern in front of us with both. Cousins is not making the difference in big games. Put him up against poor competition and he looks good. Put him under pressure against better competition and he wilts.

Same with Zimmer.

Do you have confidence that, if the chips are down, either of them can surprise to the upside in critical games?
I actually have way more faith in Kirk in big games than I do Zimmer. Maybe it's because Kirk's only been here 2 years to Zimmer's 5, but how many big games have we been prepared and won under Zimmer? 1? 2015 @ GB? Maybe the following week vs Seattle when Walsh missed the chip shot, but we still lost that game. That was 4 years ago now and 4 QBs ago.

Kirk has 10 come from behind wins in his career - only 1 as a Viking. I think that says more about Zimmer than it does Cousins. I know it's not the same as "big games" but why does he have 9 more come from behind wins with a bad WAS team compared to just 1 with a "good" Vikings team (and "great" Vikings defense)?

In all honesty, it's probably a combination of the two - Zimmer being way too conservative / telling Kirk to limit mistakes, and Kirk feeling more and more pressure from the moment and from his coach in big games. Just a bad pairing. Kirk would probably kill it with a coach like McVay who gives full confidence in his QB and offense. I don't think it's a coincidence that Kirk has 9 more game winning drives with WAS when they had Gruden (offensive coach) as the head coach.
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by StumpHunter »

VikingLord wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:40 pm
StumpHunter wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:23 pm So you don't think the QB holding the ball longer than any QB in the NFL this week had anything to do with the pressure given up by the Oline? ... e-to-throw

That is an odd stat from a QB who was "immediately pressured" on nearly every play.

The last quarter was definitely on the Oline, I won't argue that, but it wasn't all bad all the time. There were opportunities, we just missed on them.
I don't know how the stats can suggest Cousins had all day to throw in any quarter of last night's game. That wasn't what I saw. I saw a QB under constant duress that had no support from his run game. The Packers just destroyed the Vikings front 5 from start to finish.

I'm not absolving Cousins. He did almost nothing to alter the dynamic and was as ineffective as pretty much everyone else on the offense. But he's far from the reason it happened. To me, it's the Five Amigos up front that were the main cause (well, either that or the Packer defensive line waited until this game to demonstrate they are by far the best front four in the NFL this year, and, for that matter, any year in recent memory).

Actually, to be fair to the Five Amigos, I have to credit O'Neill with a solid game. He played well for the most part. But everyone else on that line could audition for the next Friday the 13th sequel. Maybe that's what they can do during their rapidly looming offseason.
Well, he didn't have all day to throw, he had the longest time to throw of any QB this week, but he didn't have all day.

Not to say that the line played well, or even average, but for at least some of the game they played well enough that a QB who was capable of playing big in big spots couldn't have done something.
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Re: Packer Post Game Postings

Post by Maelstrom88 »

Pondering Her Percy wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:27 pm
Maelstrom88 wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:15 pm

He had all day to throw it on one of his interceptions. He forced it into double coverage deep and it was a bad pass. He's simply not the answer.
So since he threw what? His first pick of the year on a deep ball.....compared to the 13+ TDs he has on deep balls and #1 QB rating on deep passes this year, that means he’s not the answer? Sounds like a poor way to measure a QBs overall performance if you ask me.

Nobody is going to sit here and say cousins played good because he didn’t at all, but again, there was plenty of bad to go around this game.

I find it pretty funny when cousins is playing good and guys are loving it and talking him up and the second he has a bad game out of the last how many now, guys want him gone

Same has happened with zimmer on here.
He doesn't deserve all of the blame but I've seen him enough to know he doesn't have what it takes to win a super bowl. Same for Zimmer. If all you want is decent stats against the Lions of the world he is your guy but neither him or Zimmer come up big in clutch games or moments. They have no gusto and no motivational skills. They are blah as evidenced by the "It's not the end of the world" comment after Seattle. Kirk blew it last time at Green Bay late in the game and he should know better than to force it into double coverage deep. Also that was dumb play design. The corner was able to take that route away because the play had no one in his area to keep him in his zone. Kirk was even forcing his targets to make acrobatic catches on mundane checkdown routes last night. They hardly ever have a chance to run after the catch because he is so erratic. They're stuck with Kirk for one more year and there are worse QBs to be stuck with but he's not nor will he ever be the guy to get them a ring. Same with Zimmer. He is the defensive Childress. They won't even draft a QB just in case Kirk isn't the long term solution and/or for leverage in a future negotiation with him because Zimmer just doesn't want his starter to feel uncomfortable. Just the opinion of a fan on the outside looking in and I'd love for them to prove me wrong over the next month but I don't see it happening.
Last edited by Maelstrom88 on Tue Dec 24, 2019 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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