Should we trade Adrian?

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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by Canuck »

Yeah unfortunately he will never play another down for the vikings or even another nfl down all together. It's sad to see, it has made my weekend a pretty depressing one that's for sure, this will probably be the one sunday I won't be excited to watch the game I'll just be pissed off. It doesn't just look bad for adrian it looks bad for the whole vikings nation, thanks a lot adrian for ruining my day, week and possibly the whole football season cause that's all the news the vikings will get this year. I was looking forward to watching you break records in a vikings uniform, but now you will just be another a-hole who had everything who blew it cause they didn't use their brain. It's too bad but some things are unforgivable, and it's time to move on.
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by The Breeze »

I got my #### whipped with a belt regularly as a child. It was the primary way my mother had to deal with raising three boys.

It definitely toughened me and helped develop some important character traits. It also did some hard core stunting in the realms of trust and emotions.

If this was the way AD was raised he would be hard pressed to make significant changes in that pattern considering, at least up til now, how incredibly fortunate his life has turned out. I'm sure he sees discipline as one of his biggest assets and keys to his overall success, save for maybe his procreative urges.
That being said, a switch on a 4 year old? Way over the top for this day and age IMO....I have issues with others telling people how to raise and discipline their children, but Adrian seems to have at least one screw loose when it comes to producing and raising children.

Kicking him to the curb is an awful sentiment. I'm really a bit shocked at some of the tone here....but authentically caring for others is exceedingly uncommon these days IMO.

I would like for him to accept the consequences for his actions and get some help for his issues with the support of the team. If I'm not mistaken, Chris Cook has not had a single incident since the situation with his girlfriend. Hopefully the same with Priefer. Just dumping people who need help is the biggest flaw with the NFL, think concussions and prescription painkillers. The whole area of doing what will ease the public perception and keep the flow of cash consistent, over doing what is essentially the right thing is the larger problem...and quite possibly why these kind of things keeps happening in such highly publicized ways.

Women and children are suffering EVERYWHERE, at the hands of men. Eventually someone is going to have to man up and make some real changes and set an example. I would embrace that and cheer for someone like that.

But this league is a complete mess and it all starts with the people running it and ends with the ones funding it on a weekly basis.

just opinion, man.
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by hibbingviking »

I'm a Vikings fan my wife is a 49er fan. I might be done watching the nfl for awhile. so sick of this crap.
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by IrishViking »

I feel like... a lot of people... Haven't read the doctors report or seen the pictures... I was whipped, paddled, and switched as a child. The first and only time a deep cut was made it was the last time my parents did it and they felt guilty for weeks.

This is far beyond the pale for physical punishment.

Regardless of what his beliefs are, the fact that an adult male didnt have the judgement to think; "wow, several deep cuts, I should probably stop now." Is what really scares me.
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by radar55 »

The Breeze wrote:I got my #### whipped with a belt regularly as a child. It was the primary way my mother had to deal with raising three boys.

It definitely toughened me and helped develop some important character traits. It also did some hard core stunting in the realms of trust and emotions.

If this was the way AD was raised he would be hard pressed to make significant changes in that pattern considering, at least up til now, how incredibly fortunate his life has turned out. I'm sure he sees discipline as one of his biggest assets and keys to his overall success, save for maybe his procreative urges.
That being said, a switch on a 4 year old? Way over the top for this day and age IMO....I have issues with others telling people how to raise and discipline their children, but Adrian seems to have at least one screw loose when it comes to producing and raising children.

Kicking him to the curb is an awful sentiment. I'm really a bit shocked at some of the tone here....but authentically caring for others is exceedingly uncommon these days IMO.

I would like for him to accept the consequences for his actions and get some help for his issues with the support of the team. If I'm not mistaken, Chris Cook has not had a single incident since the situation with his girlfriend. Hopefully the same with Priefer. Just dumping people who need help is the biggest flaw with the NFL, think concussions and prescription painkillers. The whole area of doing what will ease the public perception and keep the flow of cash consistent, over doing what is essentially the right thing is the larger problem...and quite possibly why these kind of things keeps happening in such highly publicized ways.

Women and children are suffering EVERYWHERE, at the hands of men. Eventually someone is going to have to man up and make some real changes and set an example. I would embrace that and cheer for someone like that.

But this league is a complete mess and it all starts with the people running it and ends with the ones funding it on a weekly basis.

just opinion, man.
Like many who visit this board I have tried to find something to add to this whole situation without rushing to judgement or minimizing AP's behavior. I don't have to worry about that anymore because what you offered in your post says everything that IMO needs to be said regardless of your position. Great Post on a very difficult and disturbing topic!!
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by DK Sweets »

Canuck wrote:Yeah unfortunately he will never play another down for the vikings or even another nfl down all together. It's sad to see, it has made my weekend a pretty depressing one that's for sure, this will probably be the one sunday I won't be excited to watch the game I'll just be pissed off. It doesn't just look bad for adrian it looks bad for the whole vikings nation, thanks a lot adrian for ruining my day, week and possibly the whole football season cause that's all the news the vikings will get this year. I was looking forward to watching you break records in a vikings uniform, but now you will just be another a-hole who had everything who blew it cause they didn't use their brain. It's too bad but some things are unforgivable, and it's time to move on.
Woah, let's slow down here. Peterson will definitely play again. He made a big mistake, but I'm not sure that this was UNFORGIVABLE. This, as with most things in life, will mostly be determined by how he handles it moving forward.
J. Kapp 11 wrote: For me, it's not about forgiveness. I can forgive people who do wrong, just as I hope I'm forgiven when I do wrong. But that doesn't mean they automatically have my trust.

Many years ago, the bookkeeper at my church embezzled about $20,000. When they found out, she was fired, and charges were brought against her. She was found guilty and served a sentence. About five years later, there was discussion of an unofficial "unmentionables" list; that is, a list of people who were not welcome. We're talking about a CHURCH. I couldn't believe it. The president of the church asked me how I could possibly let somebody like that in.

"I would forgive her because that's the right thing to do," I said "But that doesn't mean I'd make her the treasurer."

If AP is found guilty, he'll have to serve his sentence, whatever that is. Forgiving him is a separate issue. Trusting him is yet another. If a team doesn't trust AP to change his behavior, they won't consider acquiring him ... and I'd be hard-pressed to blame that team.
As usual, Kapp comes in with a comment that puts things perfectly into perspective. Out of curiosity, would you trust Peterson at this point?
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by thatguy »

The Breeze wrote:Women and children are suffering EVERYWHERE, at the hands of men. Eventually someone is going to have to man up and make some real changes and set an example. I would embrace that and cheer for someone like that.
The vast majority of professional athletes don't beat up women or children. There. Embrace that fact.
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by J. Kapp 11 »

DKSweets wrote:As usual, Kapp comes in with a comment that puts things perfectly into perspective. Out of curiosity, would you trust Peterson at this point?
Great question. I'd say a lot of teams would put the blinders on if they could get AP on the cheap. The problem is, he's not going to be cheap. I don't think the Vikings will terminate his contract.

Maybe the bigger question is whether the boy's mom will ever trust AP with the child.
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by DK Sweets »

J. Kapp 11 wrote: Great question. I'd say a lot of teams would put the blinders on if they could get AP on the cheap. The problem is, he's not going to be cheap. I don't think the Vikings will terminate his contract.

Maybe the bigger question is whether the boy's mom will ever trust AP with the child.
I'd be astounded if we release him as well. And personally, I can't imagine the mother letting AP be around him much, but luckily that's not up to me.
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by chicagopurple »

after seeing the lacerations he inflicted on this poor little kids back side, it wold make me vomit to see AP in Purple and Gold again............let him go play for some other dirtbag like Baltimore, then I can cheer for our D to inflict a little payback on AP's knees and see how he likes it.
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by John_Viveiros »

DanAS wrote: Here's what I don't understand about the sympathy for Peterson.

People like to talk about how what he did was old school. But wasn't it part of the old school mentality that you get married, then have kids, and then spend enough time with your kids that they see through your conduct how to behave -- so the corporal punishment can be kept to a minimum?

I've read a lot of allegations about Peterson and don't know how many are true and how many are exaggerated. But leaving him aside and just speaking as a general matter, the idea of having tons of kids with various women, showing up on the odd occasion in their lives, and beating them up whenever they don't behave virtuously doesn't sound old school to me. It just sounds like the epitome of irresponsible, anti-social behavior.
You touched on one of the thoughts I had about this. You have to be very careful disciplining a kid who is not yours, or is not one you spend a lot of time with. I recognize that corporal punishment has a long history in the US, and that we can't be prosecuting everyone for simply being "behind the times" (disregarding the severity here for the moment), but you can't be beating a kid who you only see once a year. We all have cell phones now. Call the custodial parent and come up with a punishment you agree on.
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by J. Kapp 11 »

John_Viveiros wrote: You touched on one of the thoughts I had about this. You have to be very careful disciplining a kid who is not yours, or is not one you spend a lot of time with. I recognize that corporal punishment has a long history in the US, and that we can't be prosecuting everyone for simply being "behind the times" (disregarding the severity here for the moment), but you can't be beating a kid who you only see once a year. We all have cell phones now. Call the custodial parent and come up with a punishment you agree on.
Agree completely. Unfortunately, many professional athletes' egos get in the way. I can't imagine most of them calling the ex to ask what they think.
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by 84BreaksAnkles »

I never thought I'd say this but...... Tradrian Peterson
Please just watch(04:39-05:18):
This is a dog.
Compare that to this guy (00:46-01:01):
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by purplehaze »

Getting rid of AP would be the best thing that has happened to this Franchise in a long time. Start a new chapter. We already know that building a franchise around a running back don't get you to the big show. Not to mention the guy is a bum.
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Re: Should we trade Adrian?

Post by jackal »

Its getting hard to support the guy after this
Last year. The comments about getting traded.
The child abuse thing... The múltiple kids with
With lots of women. The scuffle with off duty
Police in the bar.
no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
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